Monday, July 14, 2008

Hey Wildcats,it's me again coming at you with BIG EXCLUSIVE NEWS on the I Want It All scene.Unfortunately,my photo poster thing that puts photos on this page,isn't working ,but I assure you I will get the picture up soon.Anyway,the scene stars with Sharpay staring blankly into the room,having her fantasy,there are a BUNCH of screaming fans,including,guess who,Troy,and ,Troy has a shirt with her face on it,and a tatoo of her on his arm.Then,a bunch of other stuff takes place,like everyones outfit changes,and they start to sparkle,Sharpay suddenly developes a platinum wig and a very shiny,sparkling silver dress with a expensive coat over part of it,then she starts to sing"Can you see it,i'm gonna be FAMOUS,uhhhhh,I mean US,CAUSE,bigger is better and better is bigger,and BIGGEST IS BEST",that's all I know for now about that scene,but,I'll be back soon with more information on the Boy's are Back scene,but as for now,see ya Wildcat's

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